Writing quote

Sure, it's simple writing for kids...Just as simple as raising them.
— Ursula K. LeGuin

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


      It's amazing how the publishing world can turn on a dime! On March 15, I received an email from Ammi-Joan Paquette of the Erin Murphy Literary Agency declining to represent me. I then sent my manuscript to agent Karen Grencik, who's impressive in her response times, and how quickly she replies to emails. She said she thought the story was adorable, and by March 21, I had signed my first agent contract!
   In the meantime, I received an email from Alyssa Pusey at Charlesbridge Publishing, and she's very interested in Goldy Luck and the Three Chans. She had some editorial suggestions to develop the story further for "acquisitions", so we've been tossing some ideas back and forth, and I'm currently revising the manuscript. But if all goes well, I may have found a new home for Goldy Luck after Random House unceremoniously abandoned it.
   However, based on that experience, I shouldn't let myself get too excited until I actually see the book in print!