Writing quote

Sure, it's simple writing for kids...Just as simple as raising them.
— Ursula K. LeGuin

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


   Augmented Reality books—it's the pop-up books of the 21st Century! In October 2012, just in time for Halloween, Goosebottom Books will become the first publisher to offer this innovative technology in book form with its release of Horrible Hauntings, a collection of ten ghost stories. How it works is this: you download a free app for your iPhone or android, iPad and other tablets (available June 1), then point your smart device at one of the pictures in Horrible Hauntings to see the ghost come to "life"  in 3D. It's an absolutely amazing interactive experience, and very life-like! Check out the preview here:

   Augmented Reality has the potential to become the wave of the future in book publishing, but a book like this is really expensive to produce so I'm urging all you literary connoisseurs and book lovers out there to support this project through Kickstarter. Pledges can be anywhere from $1 and up, and you'll get some free gifts.


  1. Sounds like a neat concept! Can't wait to see it.

  2. It truly is beyond cool! It'll be really fun to see when it comes out.
