Writing quote

Sure, it's simple writing for kids...Just as simple as raising them.
— Ursula K. LeGuin

Thursday, October 18, 2012


   Halloween is fast approaching. Bet you can't guess who I'm going as. What? That was amazing! SACAJAWEA...how did you guess? Yep, I've already unveiled the costume at the Sonoma County Book Festival and will do it again tomorrow when I'll be reading to a group of second graders. How fun is that? But why stop there? Let the fun continue! It'll be a real kick if there were a bunch of Sacajaweas running around on All Hallow's Eve. Let's give those witches and goblins and spooks a run for their money! So, if you're still hunting for a Halloween costume idea, how about dressing up as this amazing Native American princess? Why am I rambling on about Sacajawea costumes? Because it can win you a prize, that's why! 
   Enter the Sacajawea Halloween Contest! If you have a Native American costume or decide to dress up in one for Halloween, take a picture and send it to me. If you are in the San Francisco Bay Area, come to the Goosebottom Books Launch in San Mateo on Oct. 28, 4 pm. at Reach and Teach bookstore. It's a Halloween-themed launch with spooky treats, authors dressed in costumes, and a scary story reading competition based on Shirin Bridges' Horrible Hauntings (Goosebottom Books, 2012), and it promises to be a blast. Come dressed as Sacajawea or any Native American costume, and you get TWO entries for the contest. The prize? A free signed copy of Sacajawea of the Shoshone and a free Skype author visit (or in person visit if you live in Mendocino, Lake or Sonoma County)! The winner will be selected randomly by random.org and unveiled the day after Halloween on Nov. 1st.
   So, join the Halloween fun and win a prize. Just email me pictures of you dressed up as Sacajawea. I'll start it off. Here's a picture of me in my Sacajawea costume.


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